JavaScript is a popular programming language used in web development to make web pages interactive and dynamic. In this course, you will learn the basics of JavaScript, such as variables, data types, control flow statements, functions, arrays, and objects. You will also learn how to manipulate HTML and CSS using JavaScript, respond to user events, and handle asynchronous code. Additionally, you will learn about advanced JavaScript topics, such as closures, prototypes, and functional programming.
JavaScript Basics
- Variables and data types
- Operators
- Control flow statements (if/else, switch)
- Loops (while, for)
- Defining and calling functions
- Function parameters and return values.
- Arrow functions
- Creating and manipulating arrays
- Accessing array elements
- Array methods (push, pop, shift, unshift, slice, splice)
- Creating and manipulating objects
- Object properties and methods
- Object destructuring
JavaScript intermediate:
- DOM Manipulation and Events
- Understanding the Document Object Model (DOM)
- Modifying HTML with JavaScript
- Responding to user events (click, hover, etc.)
- Adding and removing event listeners
- Event bubbling and capturing
- Event delegation
- Asynchronous Programming
- Understanding asynchronous code
- Callback functions
- Promises
- Creating promises
- Consuming promises
- Chaining promises
- Async/await
- Error Handling and Debugging
- Debugging tools and techniques
- Common JavaScript errors and how to fix them
- Try/catch statements
- Debugging asynchronous code
JavaScript advanced:
- OOP in JavaScript with JS6 classes
- Closures
- Template literals
- Spread and rest
- Arrow Functions
- Functional programing
- Pure vs impure functions
- Immutability
- Recursion
- Higher order functions