The course is designed at different levels. Each level is a prerequisite for the next level, but it is possible to combine the first two levels in one course. Prior knowledge of G-Code and experience in machining is not necessary but very helpful. In this course we focus on the no Code approach which means we use Mastercam to generate the toolpath.
Course Outline:
Mastercam Core:
Introduction to Mastercam:
- Mastercam Interface
- Mastercam manager
- Levels and selection tools.
- Gnome, coordinate and planes
- Part and machine setup
Toolpath and chaining:
- General Toolpath workflow
- Tools, toolpath and holder types
- Chaining and chaining options
- cut parameters
- Linking parameters
Tool Manager:
- Tool libraries and selection
- Filtering
- Custom tools and libraries
Toolpath simulation, verification and code post processing:
- Simulation
- Verification
- Posting
- Mastercam code expert
Mastercam 2D mill:
Modeling techniques
- Wireframe
- Surface modeling
- Solid modeling
- Model import (DXF, solid and mesh)
- Model preparation (DXF, solid and mesh)
Chaining for 2D mill
- Conventional chaining
- Chain manager
- Region chaining
- Chaining example: drilling
Toolpath for 2D mill:
- Depth of cut
- LeadIn/Out
- Multi pass milling
- 2d mill tools, holders and toolpath types
- Contouring parameters and toolpath generation
- Pocket toolpath
- Slot toolpath
- Chamfer
- Facing toolpath and parameters
Drilling and hole making:
- General parameters of hole making
- Drilling
- Circle Mill
- Helix bore
- Thread mill
- Chamfer drill
Dynamic toolpath:
- Machining and avoidance regions
- Automatic regions
- Toolpath parameters for dynamic toolpaths
- Programing the dynamic toolpath
- Dynamic contour
Dynamic Opti rough
- 2D Opti rough
- Opti rough parameters
- Stock models and stock setup with optirough
- Toolpath filtering and tolerance setting:
- Toolpath filtering
- Filter tolerance setting
- General practice for toolpath filtering
Verification simulation and correction:
- Complete machining example
Mastercam 3d mill:
Geometry Creation
- Creating 3D wireframes and surfaces
- Importing external CAD models
- Solid modeling techniques
- Model Preparation
Toolpath Generation
- 2D and 3D toolpath comparison
- 3D HST, toolpath parameters
- Toolpath linking and parts setup for 3D
Roughing techniques
- Area versus Opti Rough
- Area Roughing: setup and simulation
- Opti roughing: setup and simulation
- toolpath simulation and adjustment
- Roughing stock definition and stock models.
3D Finishing method
- Finishing calculations approaches for 3D
- Z base approaches.
- Scallop
- XY planar methods
- Blend
- Pencil
- Hybrid
- Waterline
Verification, simulation and tolerance
- Using the simulation module to visualize toolpaths.
- Verifying toolpath accuracy
- Tolerances in toolpath
- Detecting and resolving errors